
About @Folyd

I'm Folyd, a Rust enthusiast from Beijing, China. I used to live in Sunnyvale, CA. I'm the creator of Query.rs, Rust Search Extension, Rust Magazine, and Zine. I love to build products people enjoy using.

Free feel to connect me on GitHub, Twitter or Telegram.

About Query.rs

Query.rs is a static search engine for Rust. Static means all search indexes are built in advance and loaded into memory, making it blazingly fast.

Query.rs was inspired by Rust Search Extension. Due to the partial support of the omnibox API by some browsers, Rust Search Extension is not available on browsers such as Safari, Vivaldi, Arc, etc. Query.rs addresses this gap.

About Logo

logo logo

The logo was designed by Folyd using Figma and is inspired by the Pac-Man game. It symbolizes how query.rs "eats" and digests Rust information, then returns it when a user performs a search.

© 2024 Query.rs, built by Folyd with ❤️❤️, see about page to learn more.